This blog is also from F Diddy, and shows some random banter that happens in le flat. Enjoy.
F Diddy’s Inner Monologue(sigh) Am I meant to be working? Yes in a way... Ok re-phrase this – Should you be doing a 1500 word essay for tomorrow? Erm, I haven’t started. But you’re doing the flat 14 blog instead? ................ Ya......... Goood, good start. Well went out last night was generally shite. Didnt bother going to my 9-11 classes either (So I haven’t actually been to any business context classes yet and there has been about 6 hours worth). My feet hurt. I like to listen to music when in the shower which was initially shunned as the retard shower is now THE shower of the flat due to me actually trying the thing – turns out its awesome. So it’s all good on the shower front because I know your all thinking – F Diddy what’s the crack with the showers in your flats? And yes my feet still hurt. Why? I dunno. Back to the initial point I use my phone to play tunes while I’m scrubbing away. I got it wet – it stopped working (white screen), fantastic!
So with means of communication severed for my usual Wednesday night out losing everyone in fatties is like the worst thing to do. Yeah I lost Johnny and couldn’t find anyone. So after a nice guy letting me go in front of him to get a drink I downed a blue VK and came to the conclusion to go home. Apparently I had been mean to lovely Sam and 17 Claire so if you’re reading sorry lol lol. Lol.
Anywayses, I just thought I’d put in a blog so it means I get another 20 mins of doing my essay and I can keep you lovely folk all updated (as a matter of fact who the fuck reads this shit?) it’s awesome eh? Oh here’s a video and picture of Cam changing his mattress with Toby’s while he was away with Janine
It actually tailed off to ramming Kenzie with the mattresses. There is now an ongoing joke of Kenzie not being fed, and such like so any donations please feel free:
0800-help-Kenz08-campaign-14Now I’m thinking how can people donate food over the phone? Don’t donate money because he’ll just spend it on something really shite, like more hair. I keep telling him he’s got enough but he’s spoil that boy. Spoilt I tell ya. I also thought in this, what can only be described as ‘bitty’ blog, I would tell the flat 14 fanatical readers who’s who:
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